
Crazy Creation "Science" Taught to Kids

Okay... so we know I'm not a super fan of religion. Being spiritual and having a personal relationship with some deity you admire is one thing. But it's another when you decide to try and force it down my throat. So, I suppose my major gripe is with big, organized religion.

And "scientific" apologetics.

If you're not familiar, some christian faiths have what's called apologetics. If you're too lazy to click the link, apologetics is a part of christian theology that tries to find rational, logical, and scientific basis to prove the bible. There are many forms of apologetics, and the one that makes any person who loves math or science twinge is scientific apologetics. 

Scientific apologetics is the belief that the bible and science do not conflict. It also tends to assert that science supports the bible. However, the more you look at science apologetic sites, like this and this, the less it looks like real science. These groups are not really conducting experiments or simply observing the world. These groups are acting more like a high school English class. They want to make their point so bad that they pull our two or the incidents in the course of human history (and more) to perhaps maybe support their point. There's a difference between conducting research and fitting the data, and I don't think they get it.

Oh, and here's some interesting things up for contention in the christian world. 

Old Earth vs. New Earth Creationism
Evolution vs. Just mircoevolution vs. Just macroevolution vs. No evolution
Dinosaurs vs. No dinosaurs vs. Gay Dinosaurs vs. Co-existing Dinosaurs

That's to name a few.

But that doesn't bother me as much as the fact that this kind of information is published in textbooks and shoved down the throats of children. I'll leave you with some examples of that. 


Gentlemen... Lick Your Ladies

Now, if you're of a different sexual orientation, you can read this and chuckle. If you're a lady, get your man to read this. And if you're a man who loves vagina, take notes. Of course, I don't know the entire age spread of men who perform cunnilingus on their partners. However, I am either seeing a horrible trend or I'm just around a lot of selfish, obnoxious men. I'll put it simply.

Men: go down on your ladies.

Of course, communication is also important. Express that you want to do this, that you desire it. She may have some reservations. Maybe she had a guy who didn't want to go down there or thought it was "gross." You may even be brave and try to slide down there yourself. But alas, she pulls you back up. What's a guy to do? If you're lady is apprehensive of you exploring, you might want to consider some things:

Ugly Pussy Syndrome

A lot of ladies (again not all, but enough to make note of it), somehow think their bits are ugly or weird. It doesn't help if some asshole back in her prom days told her that either. It's going to take some convincing, and maybe you have to arouse her like made before hand, before she'll let you explore down there. It can be overcome, it'll just take time.

Who wouldn't help this puss?

Bad Experiences

I've been saying this already, but let's say she let a guy go down there. And he did something stupid that nightmares her for all future men. I'm going to give you a shot list of things not to do when performing oral on a woman. Of course, all women are different, but this guide will keep you on the safe side of things.

Do Not
  1. Bite or pinch the Clitoris
  2. Rub it with dry, rough fingers
  3. Rub it hard. It's not a penis, folks.
  4. Lather it with spit like a dog. A little is fine, but too much will feel like a damn mess.
  5. If she's responding to what you're doing - keep doing it. Men have this habit to change things up. No, if she likes it, keep doing it. Women rely on consistent stimulation and maybe a boost of it towards the end. 
  6. Put too much pressure on the pubic bones (it can hurt since it is a sharper bone)
  7. Put a finger up her anus unless explicitly stated beforehand
  1. Listen to what she likes
  2. Lick. Lick around the clitoris. Or dead on it. She'll let you know. 
  3. Gently suck on it
  4. Put a couple of fingers in her vagina at the same time
  5. Rub her other erogenous zones
  6. Communicate Communicate Communicate 
  7. Take your time
Bottom line? Rev your tongues, gentlemen! 


The Three Sins of Abstinence only Sex Ed

Ah... abstinence only sex ed. Some of you may have had it. Some of you may have had more comprehensive sex ed. Others might have had a very conservative course, a religiously themed course, or anything in between. Regardless, there is a wide spectrum of material you may or may not have learned. And in this inconsistency is an issue.

The U.S. is up in the air regarding sex education, especially in their laws. Each state has different laws and regulations regarding the subjects and treatment of all topics sexual. However, there tends to be a trend: more conservative states tend to have more abstinence only education and have a higher chance of having a secular education. In the heat of this, we have two camps: those who want comprehensive sexual education that includes abstinence but other forms of contraception, and those who want abstinence only education with little to no mentions of contraception. 

Where does that leave us, and more importantly, our youth? 

Many are left uninformed or even misinformed. It's one (still horrible) thing to leave a teenager in the dark, but it's another to use scare tactics to make them obey you. Other tactics can bruise a woman's self esteem and objectify them as just a vagina. And less noted, but still true: abstinence only education can dehumanize males and treat them like they have no control over their desires.

Some Blatant Lies Told to Youth In Some Abstinence Only Programs
  • Gay sex will give you AIDS. 
  • HIV will leak through the pores of condoms (no, not just sheepskin, latex too)
  • Birth control pills don't work
  • Birth control pills are bad for women
This is just a sample of medically and scientifically incorrect 'facts' told in some sex ed classrooms. Maybe that is the reason various medical and scientific groups are opposed to abstinence only sex ed. Let's not forget lying by omission either. One common example is that males only see the male anatomy and females only see female anatomy in some sex ed programs. This could be contributing to the myth that women pee out of their vaginas. 

In other abstinence programs there is a deliberate omission of the clitoris as well. These are just some of the misinformations out there with these programs, but many go deeper and try to use psychological means to control youngsters.

Women are Just Vaginas

Women are often objectified by their vaginas. Ever been a part of the "simulation" of what it is like to have sex before marriage? I have. There are many versions out there, but they tend to have the same idea. Every time you have sex, you lose some of yourself or your worth. Oddly enough, we were given pieces of candy. And every time we "had sex," we had to give away our candy. Only the girls held the candies by the way. 

Many of these exercises say women are just used for sex and once they have sex, they have nothing left or are worthless. Brains don't matter. Career, athleticism, or ambitions don't matter. The number of time you have sex determines your worth in these exercises. It sets women back, and it doesn't help that many of these programs accept a male's "devious" behavior. 

Men are Just Sex Fiends who have no Control

If you have a vagina, you may have been told that is was something to protect and cherish from the machinations of men. Men only want one thing at that age: sex, and they will do anything to get it. That is not limited to lying and manipulations. While there are sleazy guys like this, not all men are crazed, out of control sex fiends. 

However, telling them they are and can't help it make it a self fulfilling prophecy. Telling boys they have no control over their urges can just give them an excuse to behave in such ways. A boy may even generally care for his sweetheart, but because we are trained they are evil, we have to be wary. And because sex is made so taboo and forbidden, it makes them want it even more. 

These are just 3 of the major flaws of this form of sex-ed. I'll break down the stats on pregnancy and STD rates by state, as well as other stats, on a follow up post. 


People are too Damn Soft

People get offended too damn easily. And for the silliest of things. You think that there is nothing more to their life than screwing everyone else over with political correctness. Quite frankly, I think people are spending too much time on social media or in front of a screen and are not spending enough time having face-to-face communication.

In general, certain age groups spend more time on Facebook than they do out with friends. Yeah, I know not everyone's social, but this is getting out of hand. Especially when people want to get offended for the silliest things and forget something called context.

There's a difference between:
  • Being a dick intentionally
  • Being rough around the edges
          And Finally...
  • Being a Pussy
The odds are NOT in your favor when trying to communicate certain topics with fellow humans. Hitting that sweet spot of not offending people is a constantly shrinking line.  And there really is a line between trying to say what you mean without backlash and stroking someone's dick. When did we get so "soft?" George Carlin (a brilliant man and comedian) has a great skit on children and people being soft. Check out the link in the caption.

A Man Who Could Say It as Is
He may have been "just a comedian," but the guy had a point. Our language is softening and we are as a result of it. And there is plenty of evidence that our language shapes our thoughts. There are a host of experiments showing that language changes our behavior. It is working, this much is true. 

People need a thicker skin. If not to be saved by their politically correct misadventures, but to actually function in this world. The world can be a cruel place and it's almost a crime to leave a child unprepared for it. Call me a hardass, but at least my kid won't be the one getting his lunch money stolen everyday. And no, he won't be the one taking it. If anything, he or she will have enough backbone and sense of morality to speak up on it instead.