
Gentlemen... Lick Your Ladies

Now, if you're of a different sexual orientation, you can read this and chuckle. If you're a lady, get your man to read this. And if you're a man who loves vagina, take notes. Of course, I don't know the entire age spread of men who perform cunnilingus on their partners. However, I am either seeing a horrible trend or I'm just around a lot of selfish, obnoxious men. I'll put it simply.

Men: go down on your ladies.

Of course, communication is also important. Express that you want to do this, that you desire it. She may have some reservations. Maybe she had a guy who didn't want to go down there or thought it was "gross." You may even be brave and try to slide down there yourself. But alas, she pulls you back up. What's a guy to do? If you're lady is apprehensive of you exploring, you might want to consider some things:

Ugly Pussy Syndrome

A lot of ladies (again not all, but enough to make note of it), somehow think their bits are ugly or weird. It doesn't help if some asshole back in her prom days told her that either. It's going to take some convincing, and maybe you have to arouse her like made before hand, before she'll let you explore down there. It can be overcome, it'll just take time.

Who wouldn't help this puss?

Bad Experiences

I've been saying this already, but let's say she let a guy go down there. And he did something stupid that nightmares her for all future men. I'm going to give you a shot list of things not to do when performing oral on a woman. Of course, all women are different, but this guide will keep you on the safe side of things.

Do Not
  1. Bite or pinch the Clitoris
  2. Rub it with dry, rough fingers
  3. Rub it hard. It's not a penis, folks.
  4. Lather it with spit like a dog. A little is fine, but too much will feel like a damn mess.
  5. If she's responding to what you're doing - keep doing it. Men have this habit to change things up. No, if she likes it, keep doing it. Women rely on consistent stimulation and maybe a boost of it towards the end. 
  6. Put too much pressure on the pubic bones (it can hurt since it is a sharper bone)
  7. Put a finger up her anus unless explicitly stated beforehand
  1. Listen to what she likes
  2. Lick. Lick around the clitoris. Or dead on it. She'll let you know. 
  3. Gently suck on it
  4. Put a couple of fingers in her vagina at the same time
  5. Rub her other erogenous zones
  6. Communicate Communicate Communicate 
  7. Take your time
Bottom line? Rev your tongues, gentlemen! 

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