
3 Things Little Girls Shouldn't Wear

Okay parents, I may not be one myself, but it's time to take responsibility for some things. This is only to the minority of you, but scarily enough the amount of those guilty are increasing. Maybe it's because of that crazy-ass Toddlers & Tiaras show (who the hell in their right mind dresses their kid as a hooker?). It's time to say be that voice for all the other bystanders out there who see little kids in clothes far too sexy, revealing, or just plain unnecessary.  

1. High Heels
Ladies wear these for a variety of reasons. Some want to make their legs look longer. For some, it just matches their dress. Others do it to seek a mate. And a few die-hards just have to have their heels. That's fine sweetie, you go ahead and narrow your pelvis so you have a hard time popping out a kid. But don't you dare start your 3 year-old on heels so she can have squished organs and problems.

No! Because fuck you, that's why.

There are entire collections of heels for toddlers! Go ahead and type in a search for it on Google. Take your time, I'll wait. In case you're too lazy, I did the work for you. Okay, they're not sky high and four plus inches, but if it those heels were 4 inches, they'd be the size of a little girl's forearm. There are hosts of doctors and scientists warning parents not to put their girls in heels because it can potentially cause irreparable damage and even make a female unable to give birth vaginally. 

2. Thongs
Yes, you saw that right. Thongs. Kmart got some major backlash for having crotchless thongs for girls as young as 7. Yes, that's right. Seven. What the hell does a 7 year-old need a thong for? 

There's no need to go into the nitty gritty about thongs (but I will anyway). Even for older women, those who wear thongs have a higher chance of getting UTIs and vaginal infections. It's quite simple really. There's a string. In your ass. Moving about swishes that little piece of fabric back and forth, letting all the bacterial near your ass to travel to Va-jay-jay land. Symptoms of these issues can include but are not limited to: painful urination, trouble urinating, odorous crotch, and bad discharge. That's exactly the kind of completely preventable ailment some parents are giving their kid.

3. Shorts with "Juicy" on Them
Like them, or hate them, these bastard shorts are here to stay. Before it was something of a novelty, but now the words on shorts are just increasing. A lot of brands are now including a pair of shorts with the company logo on them. But I draw the line at seeing them for girls.

Now a days, sparkly words and glitter are appearing on all things tush: jeans, shorts, pajamas, everything. Sure, the company might say "Oh, these are designed for our teen line," but who the hell is willingly letting their kid out of the house with this? First of all, shorts designed for "teens" still come in extra-small, more than fitting for girls younger than the advertised age. Even so, if I saw my teen daughter with anything on the ass of her shorts, I'd make her wear amish garb.

Even putting "cute" designs on the butt of jeans is just not appropriate for little girls. Sure, a pretty butterfly might be on it, bit it's not needed. I'm sorry, I know we shouldn't dress specifically to protect ourselves from other people. No matter what you do, they'll always be an asshole. But look at the message you're sending to your girl. There is emphasis to the butt. The butt is important. The butt is something to show off. There is more to girls than their ass and those lessons should be taught without the word "Juicy."