
Thursday Book Rec: Fast Food Nation

One book I think every one should read is the infamous Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. Also a documentary you can watch, Fast Food Nation delves into the dirty business of mass food production. If you're a fan of KFC or the mighty Big Mac, you might see yourself pushing away after reading this book.

Yes you. You are a monster for eating this poor baby chick! (but the crunchy chick is Soooo good!)

If you were ever interested in learning how the government aided Big Farming and basically screwed the little guy, this is a great, readable book. Times may change and the book might be 10 years old, but it's a good read will a multitude of still-valid information for the everyday consumer. Schlosser also analyzes how U.S. culture was prime for the domination of fast food and how our lifestyles have evolves with it.

Overall, a really good read the covers a variety of topics that all center on one thing: what we put in our mouth. Being a more informed consumer is tougher these days, considering botched label laws, product fillers, media propaganda, and major food lobbyists. If you want to be enlightened, pick this baby up.